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Help break the cycle of human trafficking

Rescuing and restoring survivors of human trafficking in SE Asia through safe homes, education and work opportunities.

No survivor of human trafficking should have to walk alone.

Many young women rescued from human trafficking don’t have the community support needed to begin their recovery. Without the care of a safe home organization, rescued survivors feel scared and alone. Our safe homes restore women through long-term care and counselling, while providing educational and work opportunities.

How we support survivors and women at-risk:

Life Preserver

Rescue + Prevention

Many vulnerable women in our community don’t know about the dangers of sex work. Our staff works to covertly build relationships with women in brothels and helps facilitate rescue.

Life Preserver

Safe Housing

Our safe homes provide food, safety and community for women in need. Our caregiving is long-term, not curriculum based. Any woman who comes into our homes can stay until she feels ready to support herself.

Life Preserver

Education + Work

Education and job training is the way to reverse the generational cycle of poverty. We provide opportunities for women to make a living in safe work spaces, through our jewellery store, hair salon, cafe and organic farm.


Our 4 safe homes protect, care and love vulnerable women in need of healing.


Our safe homes have capacity for 45 young women.


In the last 12 years, Woven has impacted over 400 young women through our work.


We’ve been working in SE Asia for 12 years to prevent trafficking and restore survivors.

Your donations help women find healing and independence.

Woman standing at a beach

Increased self-esteem

In our homes, women learn their true identity as a child of God. They feel worthy of love, and gain confidence in who they were made to be.

Woman praying at a beach

Hope for the future

With a new confidence, girls can dream about their future. They have found hope in being able to pursue education, work, and re-establish relationships with family.

Woman doing paper work

Personal growth

Our safe housing program is holistic, providing counselling and discipleship for survivors. We help girls work through past trauma, so they can find freedom and redemption.

Woven International rescues and restores survivors of human trafficking in SE Asia through safe homes, education and work opportunities.

Play a part in redeeming lives in SE Asia


Pray for trafficked women and girls in SE Asia. Pray for healing in our aftercare homes. Pray that God would rewrite hopelessness into redemption.


Donate to Woven to restore trafficked women, protect the vulnerable, and break the generational cycles of poverty.


Use your time and talent to make an impact! You can get involved in Canada, travel abroad or represent Woven exactly where you are.

Every woman deserves to be free

Donate now to help restore a woman’s life to wholeness and break the cycle of human trafficking.